Your Invitation

With both of us growing up here in the Omaha metro, we’ve learned a few things:

  1. Husker, Mav & Creighton fans are the best fans EVER.

  2. Great beauty can be found in the simple, everyday things.

  3. Sometimes people are just waiting to be invited.

We believe each person’s spiritual journey is unique, messy, unassuming and sacred. It is our hope that no matter what your background is or where you’re at spiritually, this is a space where you will encounter & experience the love of God in a deep way.

Consider this your standing invite.

An invitation to process, to heal, to wrestle, to rest, to reconnect, to ask questions, to be restored, to be empowered and to walk in all God has created you to be.

We love you already. Can’t wait to meet you.


Matt & Nikki McMaster

Lead Pastors of The Family Room

What to Expect

We are a small church community who is learning to follow Jesus & do life together. On a Sunday morning & weekly small groups you can expect:

  • Engaging & authentic worship

  • Biblical messages that apply to everyday life

  • Laid back & welcoming atmosphere

  • Multigenerational

  • Compassion driven & Holy Spirit empowered ministry

Our Story

This story begins with 2 crazy kids & a dream - Don & Cheri’ White, the founding senior pastors of what is now known as the Family Room. They moved from the small town of Chadron in 1985 to pastor a church here in the Omaha area where they grew in leadership. Through a series of twists & turns and by God’s hand, The Family Room was officially founded in 1997.

Although the church was growing, it was still somewhat transient, meeting in various rental properties throughout the years until finding a permanent space in 2018, located at 83rd in Fort Street in the Keystone neighborhood.

In March of 2021, we reached yet another new milestone when Don & Cheri’ retired as lead pastors, handing the baton over to Matt & Nikki McMaster.

We are excited & hopeful about the next chapter in our story and invite you to be a part of it!

Our Core

Our core values and mission is pretty simple and can best be summed up in 2 phrases: Experiencing God, Loving Well.

Experiencing God: Allowing the lifegiving & restorative love of Jesus to bring transformation.

How is this accomplished? (Mission)

  • Creative, Authentic Worship > creating space where people engage through music, artistic expression, contemplative exercises & scripture. (John 4:24)

  • Biblical Teaching > from Sunday messages to small groups to children’s ministry, the Bible is the foundation of all we do and are. (Hebrews 4:12; 2 Timothy 3:16-17)

  • Prayer > prayer comes in many forms. Whether it be ministry during Sunday service, spiritual direction, prophetic & healing prayer or out in the marketplace, prayer is the means by which we grow in relationship with God & invite others to do the same! (1 Thessalonians 5:16-18; Matthew 6)

Loving Well: To love how Jesus loves through compassionate ministry & the empowering presence of Holy Spirit.

How is this accomplished? (Mission)

  • Servant Leadership > We believe that leadership begins with serving well and linking arms with others in the process and growing in ‘hospitality of the heart’, compassion and generosity. (1 Corinthians 13)

  • Discipleship > cultivating, empowering & releasing God-given gifts through relationship & spiritual formation (Matthew 28:16-20; 2 Timothy 2:1-2)

  • Embracing Diversity > acknowledging the uniqueness & calling of each person no matter the age, gender or background. Everyone is a specific expression of God’s image on the earth and everyone gets to play! Although we still have a ways to go, our prayer is to be a diverse, multi-ethnic and multi-generational community that thrives in loving each other well. (Ephesians 4:7; Romans 12:6)